I am an Australian-born permanent resident of the Cook Islands with over 30 years of experience throughout the Asia Pacific, having worked in: Cook Islands, Tuvalu, Samoa, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tokelau and Tonga as well as a number of other countries and islands throughout Asia. I am the Oceania regional chair & liaison for marine and coastal ecosystems, and served as a member of the IUCN Steering Committee for the Commission on Ecosystem Management for 11 years.
About your qualifications, where you studied and your mentors:
I obtained my Masters in Marine Affairs from the University of South Pacific, and my thesis consisted of two case studies on the valuation of small-scale fisheries in fishing communities in Fiji and Cook Islands atolls. I also have a postgraduate diploma in Marine Studies from USP, and a Bachelors of Applied Science in Fisheries from the Australian Maritime College.
My mentors include Dr. Michael King, Dr. William Aalsberg, Dr. Randolf Thaman, Dr. Maria Hawes, and of course — my wife and daughters!
What are your research interests?
I am passionate about marine affairs, including: fisheries management, post-harvest fishery processing, marine and coastal ecosystems and large marine ecosystems, integrated coastal ecosystems management, fisheries and environmental policy, post disaster fisheries livelihoods recovery, ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change, and invasive species control.
I have experience in project design, management and implementation, and in building strategic partnerships with international governmental agencies, regional organisations, international & national NGOs, national government agencies, communities and private sector in these areas.
What new work have you got coming up? What research collaborations interest you?
I am currently involved in a rat eradication project in Takutea as well as foreshore protection using hybrid nature-based and engineering solutions in Titikaveka.
Share a favourite quote and why it’s particularly meaningful to you:
This quote speaks for itself, in my opinion:
Final thoughts for the Association?
I’m excited to be on the executive committee amongst other critical thinkers who are willing to challenge the status quo, if warranted.