Jacqueline Evans
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Suva, Fiji
Boston MA, United States
Jacqueline (Jacqui) Evans
Pacific Partnerships Director | Wildlife Conservation Society
Areas of expertise:
Ocean Management & Policy
Environmental Science & Policy
Marine Science & Policy
Climate Policy
Wastewater Management
Marine Protected Areas
Environmental Impact Assessment
Wellbeing Indicators
Mining Impact
English (fluent), Māori (intermediate), French (intermediate)
Available for:
Collaborative Projects | Mentorship & Career Advice | Panelist & Speakerships | Advisory Committees |
“The land is the chief; and the people merely its’ servants.”
This quote is meaningful as a Polynesia proverb as it reflects the humility required to sustain a healthy way of life. It provides a reminder that our land is both a privilege and a responsibility, and imposes a duty to take care of the land that sustains us.
Jacqui is a renowned conservationist from the Cook Islands who has dedicated her career to marine protection. She has extensive experience working in marine & environmental conservation, in a wide range of roles spanning from public sector to NGO to consultancy. Her recent research interests include wellbeing indicators and the impacts of deep sea mining.
She was instrumental in seven year campaign to establish the Marae Moana marine reserve, which eventually led to the adoption of the Marae Moana Act in 2017, legislation that implemented sustainable management of the Cook Islands ocean territory. For her contributions to this achievement and in acknowledgement of her work in preserving marine biodiversity and protecting Cook Islands traditions, she was awarded the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize in 2019 (known as the “Green Nobel Prize”).
Recently she has established the Moana Foundation, which supports environmental activism and assists to address pressing environmental concerns and social needs in the Cook Islands. Additionally, the Foundation conducts research activities that focus on ocean conservation, and aim to provide a better understanding of the nature of threats to the Marae Moana Cook Islands Marine Park.
Academic Qualifications
2024 | Master in Public Administration, Harvard University
2006 | Master in Geography, University of Hawaii
1995 | Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies (Biology), University of South Pacific
2024 | Doctor Honoris Causa - Universite du Littoral Cote D'Opale
2019 | Vaine Rangatira International Relations Award - Cook Islands Vaine Rangatira Awards
2019 | Goldman Environmental Prize Recipient
2001 - 2004 | East West Centre PIDP Scholar - East West Centre, Hawaii
2001 | Woman of the Year for the Environment - Cook Islands Business & Professional Women’s Association
1995 | Gold Medal & Prem Chand Prasad Prize Recipient - University of South Pacific
Professional Memberships & Affiliations
Planning Team, Big Ocean Managers
Youth Mentor, Ocean Discovery League
Bender, M., & Evans, J. (2020). Transforming our relationship with the ocean - changing values to ensure conservation. A Better World, 6, 24-27. https://www.humandevelopmentforum.org/digital/a-better-world-vol-6/II/index.html
Dakers, A., & Evans, J. (Sept. 2007). Wastewater Management in Rarotonga: It is not just a matter of a technological fix? [Paper presentation] Proceedings: Innovation and Technology for On-site Systems. Armidale, New South Wales. https://inspectapedia.com/septic/Wastewater_Rarotonga_DakersEvans.pdf
Lewis, N., Day, J. C., Wilhelm, A., Wagner, D., Gaymer, C., Parks, J., Friedlander, A., White, S., Sheppard, C., Spalding, M., San Martin, G., Skeat, A., Taei, S., Teroroko, T., & Evans, J. (2017) Large-Scale Marine Protected Areas: Guidelines for design and management. International Union for Conversation of Nature. https://doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.CH.2017.PAG.26.en