Vaine Iriano Wichman
Ngati Tamakeu, Ngati Te Tika of Teimurimotia, Kopu Tangata Isaia of Tongareva.
Vaine is Vice-President of Te Vairanga Kite Pakari. She is also the President of the Cook Islands National Council of Women, Director of Policy for CIP, Treasurer of the Nukutere College Board, Director of Cook Islands Building Supplies Ltd and Arama & Associates Ltd, and manages the finances for the Parish of of Immaculate Heart of St Mary's Church, Arorangi.
From Tereora College, to USP at Suva, I completed a BA in Public Administration in 1981. At the University of Bradford (1995-1997) I completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Economics and a Master of Science Development Economics. I am currently a PhD Candidate at USP, Suva.
Socio-economics of small island states; gender issues in socio-economic development.
New work
The Real Socio-Economic Costs of Climate Change: The invisibility of Atolls. The Case of Tongareva Island, Cook Islands (PhD thesis).
“Aaere marie e aku potiki kia kite koe i nga inapotea”
My interest and support in the Association is related to supporting and profiling the development of research in the Cook Islands, so that the outcomes and findings from good research can help influence policy development and implementation in the country.